Simply put, YIN & YANG as they appear in the TAO/DAO are sources of conflict, of which most are problematic for mankind,humanity, and all their institutions, such as government, economics, religions, health, etc. The TAO is the RESOLUTION OF ALL DUALITIES, real or apparent, that the body,mind(mental) and emotions create or cofnront on various levels and on various scales. YIN & YANG,qualities of which people tend to get immersed in and which are discussed in various ways, often appearing as 'fortune-telling' considerations in elaborate schemes,are really 'scales'-measures of various things, from mental, physical, emotional states and functions to actual movements fo all kinds in the Universe, Nature, the earth and mankind. These scales can tip up or down but the TAO seeks to keep them balanced as much as possible. In every 'YIN' there is a trace of 'YANG', and in every 'YANG' there is a speck of 'YIN'. In TAI CHI CHUAN, 'THE GRAND ULTIMATE EXERCISE', one passes, bflows, 'meets and says goodbye' travels, etc. along a bumpy or smooth road,on, over,in, etc. 'YINS & YANGS'! DIAGRAMS exist that can sometimes enable one to mentally or intellectually understand this but one must actually understand, feel and sense this 'process', this 'flow' etc. which can b e easy and difficult.YIN & YANG enable and allow people to hold very contradictory and opposing feelings, ideas, and practices at the same time, and allow people to fully deceive themselves and others, and most are completely blind to this! A simple example of this are the various 'YIN' & 'YANG' suggestions others give us as well as those we give to others. Nations,governments, religions,etc. bombard us with 'yin' & 'yang' suggestions, controls,etc. over which we have little or no personal control or focus or actual decision about. We are helpless, yet strong in this process, once we can b
ecome aware of this 'alternating current' of 'YIN & YANG'-once we receive the 'DIRECT CURRENT' from the ETERNAL SOURCE. A very hard process because the 'voltage' and the 'amperage' can destroy as well as 'free' or 'enlighten' us. SO BEWARE!
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