Thursday, February 17, 2011


The Human Body houses or contains what may be called a 'INTRINSIC' or an 'INNATE' ENERGY that science can only approach but not explain or control(as yet) for many reasons. But this state of affairs should not deter us from our own personal investigations and efforts along this line of 'esoteric-occult' endeavor. The MENTAL & EMOTIONAL MACHINES have an effect on this ENERGY as they also do on the BODY itself-another machine. However, unless we are aware of our body and its components/machines, and few of us are really, we cannot go much further than mere conversation and discussion,which ends up usually as very frustrating and sometimes controversial when presented to those who scoff and ridicule such 'arcane' notions,etc. Various terms ofr the ENERGY,in both EAST & WEST, have entgered our vocabularies over the years, even centuries, but are not really explanatons of these 'mysterious powers' many are so eager to possess, control, use, develop and demonstrate. Thoughts & emotions,no matter how concentrated or intense, cannot, as a rule, open the doors to this in any satisfactory manner of constant and noteworthy display that will satisfy all scoffers and skeptics and justify all the claims of their diehard enthusiasts & demonstrators. Which means that demonstrations of such energy or energies may not really demonstrate such for some interesting reasons and yet serve to convince many that they do 'prove' such to exist. NATURE(GREAT NATURE),not to be mocked, often plays tricks on MANKIND and limits his powers on all levels(physical & psychic & mental) and on all scales, from growing a garden to moon landings. Rather than list all the pro's & con's at this time, I shall let anyone reading this find their own examples and do their own basic research and study if they are so inclined to do so...but few will make much effort, preferring to relax and watch various videos purporting to be either debunk or confirm such 'energies' or to read about such in many popular magazines devoted to science and psychism,etc.

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